INTERSISMET is the successor to SISMET, that was incorporated in 1978 by a group of technical experts with different experiences, and which adopted a pioneering methodology in Portugal based on General Systems Theory, placed at the service of the development of the Portuguese Public Administration in the wake of the administrative decentralization process resulting from approval of the 1976 Portuguese Constitution.
Working primarily in the Portuguese-speaking market, SISMET soon developed a growth and internationalisation strategy:
INTERSISMET’s expertise benefits from a wide range of experiences, fruit of the business activity started in 1978. The key market within its strategic development policy has been Central and Local Public Administration.
In 2004, the two companies merged and INTERSISMET began to cater to the domestic and international consulting markets.
INTERSISMET currently operates in the fields of business organization, administrative modernization, planning, information technology and communication, institutional capacity-building, training and work inspection services, both in Portugal and Angola. In 2009 it set up a company operating under Angolan law – Intersismet Consulting SA.
In 2012, Intersismet Consulting opened new headquarters in Angola and in 2013, Intersismet SA acquired and opened new headquarters in Lisbon.
In 2013, as a logical consequence of its commitment to the Portuguese-speaking market, Intersismet became an associate of the Business Confederation of the CPLP countries (Community of Portuguese-speaking countries).
In 2014, it was founded Intersismet Ásia, which signals the investment of the Group in East Timor, and opened new Headquarters in Dili.